Letham Law Firm
Protect Your Brilliance
Intellectual Property Law
Below is a sample of the registered trade and
service marks prosecuted by Letham Law Firm:
US 2,318,309: Goldeneye
US 2,270,824: The AXL
US 2,685,214: Sigma
US 3,845,025: The Christmas Card Lady
US 2,874,438: CP
US 3,519,288: Mission One
US 2,993,370: Protect Your Brilliance
US 2,994,162: Custom Products
US 3,098,002: Goldenfly
US 3,098,004: CY
US 3,268,395: Care for Life
US 4,956,182: BilletStuff.com
US 4,041,017: 2000 Series
US 4,107,694: Travel Series
US 4,260,473: Family Preservation Program
US 4,422,789: AquaForce
US 4,430,032: BS
US 5,653,312: AquaSlug
US 5,463,650: Trekstone Financial
US 6,391,253: Illuminate Wealth Advocates